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Ben Dodd Ceramics About Page

Beautiful stoneware pottery Inspired by nature

Picture of a beautiful grass covered peak with snow patches to depict my inspiration in my ceramics that comes from using the raw materials from the earth and from crushed rocks to make my glazes

What is the work of a potter? 
”It's putting something around nothing and making nothing useful”

Ken Allen RCA - Artist (my step father)

I am a potter living and working in Nottingham UK. I produce stoneware ash glazed pots that are fired in reduction in a hand built gas kiln. Thrown on the wheel or sometimes hand built in hand made molds. I use slips made mostly from found materials and my glazes often include ingredients that are sourced from quarries around the country or which have been discovered locally.

“I draw my inspiration from the rich heritage of the Anglo-Japanese studio ceramic tradition, which can be traced back to the pioneering work of Shoji Hamada and Bernard Leach. Their dedication to craftsmanship and the fusion of Eastern and Western aesthetics has left an indelible mark on my creative journey. Additionally, I have the privilege of being born into a potting family, with my father being the renowned British studio potter, Mike Dodd ( and my Mother Celia Allen (} being a very accomplished maker. This familial connection has not only provided me with invaluable insights into the world of ceramics but has also instilled in me a deep appreciation for the art form. It is from this unique blend of heritage and personal passion that my work as a potter is born, and I am committed to carrying forward this legacy with my own distinctive artistic voice”.

I like texture in my work, a sense of freedom, being loose in the making, giving them life, communicating that they are made from a soft malleable material. Ash glazes help to enhance the form and the glaze will hang in areas where marks have been made in the clay body.
I continue to learn every day by looking, feeling, listening, but mostly from doing. The practice of our craft is paramount and the journey is never ending, inspiration being drawn continuously from places I have visited, walks in nature or surface textures on rocks, trees and plants. I will always endeavor to produce beautiful stoneware ash glazed pots that reflect my own aesthetic which is heavily inspired by Japanese ceramics, I only hope that people respond to them as I do.

If you would like more information about me or my work, please email me through the contact page (Contact).

Picture of Ben Dodd in 2016 when he won his award for best stand at Earth & Fire International Fair in Nottinghamshire.

Award Winning

2016 Winner of ‘Best Stand Award’ at Earth & Fire International Ceramics Fair


I am always very happy to discuss commissions, however, I will only make my own work, using my own materials and glazes. Please contact me if you wish to discuss.

I also teach at Nottingham Ceramic School, a great space to learn and begin your pottery journey. Click on the logo below to find out more